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2 for 1 Workshop Mindset & Confidence

The Feel Amazing Therapist

To enjoy this offer you must present a valid Your Voucher Book Redemption screen from the 2023 App version with a voucher code on the screen. One free Mindset & Confidence Workshop when another Mindset & Confidence Workshop is purchased. The lower priced Workshop will be complimentary. This voucher may be used between two people each enjoying the same workshop and one is complimentary. Not to be used in conjunction with any other offers. No cash alternative is available and voucher is non transferable. Valid until 7.1.2024

Hello, I’m Ruth, aka The “Feel Amazing” Therapist – a confidence, mindset and mental wellbeing therapist working with individuals and business owners to help them reset their mind maze into an amazing mindset. I am running three different workshops on various dates in 2023 Each workshop is £44 they will be held at Stokesley business park. Please contact me for further details and dates. Workshops - Feel Amazing - Mindset & Confidence Menopause - for Peri Menopause & Menopausal women Being You - Rediscover who you are


Office 4

Roseberry Court




07771 930311

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